Born in 1978, in Paris.
Lives and works in Lyon
2017 winner of the Banque Populaire Foundation, arts and crafts section
C e r a m i q u e
► Title of ceramist: Maison de la Céramique du Pays de Dieulefit, Drôme
Continuing education:
• Turning • Casting • Email • Sculpture • Decor • Cooking • Geology • History of art and aesthetic thought • Architecture • Creation methodology, aesthetic analysis, group work • Design • Calligraphy • Drawing • Photography • Scenography • Management and marketing modules
Professional internships completed respectively at:
• Rizü TAKAHASHI: Japanese ceramics • Marianne CASTELLY: shaping technique with the plate, engobe work • Marion CHARREYRE, Florent LE MEN, Magali WAGNER: turning, Sgraffitto • Patricia VIEILJEUX: shaping with coils and the plate • Isabelle ROUX: surface treatment, plate shaping • Clémentine DUPRE: methodology of creation in applied arts • Marie-Laure LEVITAN: filming, sculpture • Jane NORBURY: surface treatment, plate work • Anne VERDIER: formal analysis, research, sculpture • Armand TATEOSSIAN: large volume sculpture • Blandine MASURE: decor, drawing, graphic design research • Xavier DUROSELLE: enamel research methodology
► “Ceramic” training: Contact Material, Lyon
Annual courses with Marion Charreyre and with Florent Le Men
Module “Geology and chemistry of ceramic materials”, Florent Le Men
► “Decor” training: Decor technique in the mold, at Chloé Peyterman, Geneva
► Sculpture workshop: Annex of the School of Fine Arts of Lyon:
• Multi-piece mold technique, research on shape; with Zoé Benoît (2009-2011)
•Various techniques and materials: molding, material research; with Markus Strieder (2008)
► Sculpture workshop: Annex of Grenoble School of Fine Arts:
•Work on space layout and installations; with Slimane Raïs (2007)
• Modeling, woodworking, polystyrene, lead casting, large volumes; with Cyrille André (2004-2006)
► Painting workshop: Annex of the Grenoble School of Fine Arts: drawings and painting (oil, acrylic), large formats; with Thierry Cascales
► Literary Baccalaureate, visual arts option: History of Art; Architecture / Plastic arts
P r o j e t cultural
2005-2009: Entr'arts Association: support for artists in the process of becoming professional, Grenoble
•Member of the Visual Arts commission: Programming, organization and monitoring of exhibitions, Selection and interviews of exhibited artists
•Secretary then President of the Board of Directors: Animation of the associative project, Establishment of partnerships
F o r m a t i o n u n i v e r s i t a i r e
2011: Bachelor's degree in sociology - Toulouse II Le Mirail University
2001: D.E.A history, law, human rights - Pierre Mendès France University, Grenoble II
2000: Master's degree in private law - Pierre Mendès France University, Grenoble II